Saturday, February 28, 2009

Relief & Pondering

Cooking day is over and once again my freezer is full of food. What a relief to know that for the next month I don't need to worry about what we're going to eat for dinner. Now just to remember to defrost something every day...

Anyways, my mom suggested to me that I should offer to other people to do this. I already offer other people to join me and we cook together, but she suggested that I shop, cook and deliver the meals to others, for a small fee. The more I think about it, it's not a bad idea. I have an extensive list of meals people could choose from, I don't mind doing the shopping and cooking, and anything to help out the finances is a plus.

So I'm asking everyone out there what you think of this? If you had the extra money is this a service that you could use? Anyone know what would be involved with me starting a "business" of preparing meals for others?

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